Simone (van Eyssen) Dunkerley
Privacy Level: Private with Public Biography and Family Tree (Yellow)

Simone (van Eyssen) Dunkerley

Honor Code Signatory
Signed 13 Oct 2015 | 5,219 contributions | 143 thank-yous | 870 connections
Simone G. Dunkerley formerly van Eyssen
Born 1990s.
Ancestors ancestors
Daughter of [private father (1960s - unknown)] and [private mother (1960s - unknown)]
Sister of [private brother (1990s - unknown)] and [private sister (1990s - unknown)]
Mother of [private son (2020s - unknown)]
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Profile last modified | Created 13 Oct 2015
This page has been accessed 1,577 times.


New Zealand
Simone (van Eyssen) Dunkerley lived in Hastings, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand.
Dutch Descendants
Simone (van Eyssen) Dunkerley has Dutch Ancestry
Simone (van Eyssen) Dunkerley has German Roots.
Simone (van Eyssen) Dunkerley has Belgian origins.
English flag
Simone (van Eyssen) Dunkerley has English ancestors.
Simone (van Eyssen) Dunkerley is the descendant of a Huguenot emigrant.

Simone Dunkerley is a South African-born, Kiwi-bred Christian, wife & mother and amateur genealogist. She has been a data-enthusiast since a very young age and now uses her insatiable data-itch to help maintain Wikitree.

The countries featured strongly in Simone’s family tree include Germany, Netherlands, Belgium and England, with a brick wall into possible France.


Her genealogical interests pertain to data integrity and a fascination with connecting every individual on Earth to each other. She also enjoys writing the occasional Wikitree biography and sometimes participates in challenges and competitions.

This user is a native speaker of English.
Hierdie gebruiker kan nie Afrikaans praat nie (of verstaan dit met groot moeite).

Although Simone has strong ties to South Africa and the Dutch Cape Colony, she was raised English and her parents never taught her Afrikaans.

Simone was a librarian
Simone was a data architect
Simone is a Housekeeper.

Simone worked as a librarian for several years after finishing school and spent most of her working hours at the Hastings District Library. Near the end of her tertiary study, she earned a job a local software development company and remained there for several years until starting a family.


Simone met her South African husband (great-great grandson of Hugo Nellmapius) at the age of 18 and they married four years later. They now live in Melbourne, Australia with their first baby and run a weekly podcast called The XboxCast, which doubles as a ministry into the lives of those who want to prioritise family and life over their love of gaming.

Simone (van Eyssen) Dunkerley wrangled 0 weevils in the Connection Combat.

Only the Trusted List can access the following:
  • Simone's formal name
  • full middle name (G.)
  • e-mail address
  • exact birthdate
  • birth location
  • images (1)
  • private siblings' names
  • private children's names (1)
  • spouse's name and marriage information
For access to Simone Dunkerley's full information you must be on Simone's Trusted List. Please login.

DNA Connections
It may be possible to confirm family relationships. Maternal line mitochondrial DNA test-takers: Have you taken a test? If so, login to add it. If not, see our friends at Ancestry DNA.
Comments: 3

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Hi Simone,

I noticed that you changed some of my profiles; please be cautious and use the correct place names. Kindly note the following information, available on the style guidelines section of WikiTree: Cape/Kaap 1652-04-06 – 1795-09-16 de Caep de Goede Hoop; Cabo de Goede Hoop 1795-09-17-1803-02-20 Cape of Good Hope Colony 1803-02-21-1806-01-18 Cabo de Goede Hoop 1806-01-19 to 1910-05-30 Cape Colony; Kaapkolonie 1910-05-31 - 1961-05-30 Cape Province, Union of South Africa 1961-05-31 to 1994-04-26 Kaapprovinsie, Republiek van Suid Afrika; Kaapprovinsie, Suid Afrika; Cape Province, Republic of South Africa; Cape Province, South Africa 1994-04-27 Western Cape, Republic of South Africa; Western Cape, South Africa; Wes-Kaap, Republiek van Suid Afrika;Wes-Kaap, Suid Afrika; Eastern Cape, Republic of South Africa; Eastern Cape, South Africa; Oos-Kaap, Republiek van Suid Afrika; Oos-Kaap, Suid Afrika; Northern Cape, Republic of South Africa; Northern Cape, South Africa; Noord-Kaap, Republiek van Suid Afrika; Noord-Kaap, Suid Afrika

posted by Rachel Levin
Thank you for this, Rachel.

Normally I don't touch the Cape Colony place names because I know there are strict rules, so I leave that for more educated people than me. In this case, I had gotten carried away making a country graph for fun and forgot that what I consider a minor correction, might actually be completely incorrect. Thanks again.

Hi Simone, 😊

I’ve noticed some of your contributions and just had to stop by and say hi. Thanks so much for your contributions to our shared tree 💚

May I give you some tips for South African research on WikiTree?

In the South African Roots Project we have a standards/guidelines ~ a particular one is to please use the correct location name as was used at the time of the event. Another one is name fields on profiles. In the SA Roots project we collate facts then narrate ~ but always collation first since it helps us to separate which source goes with which fact since we're in a resource rich project, see Diederik Johannes Hatting as an example of collation in the project.

Perhaps you would like to join the South African Roots Project? Besides links to sources, there are help pages that might also be useful. Many / most of the South African genealogical lines and profiles of the eighteenth and seventeenth periods (and earlier) have already been made. Many have also been validated with primary sources. A few handy links:

(In Afrikaans) - in Suid-Afrika, Nederland en elders word die tussenvoegsel in vanne met klein letters gespel, tensy dit anders op die primêre rekords gespel word, byvoorbeeld van der Merwe, van der Walt, van den Berg, du Preez, de Villiers ens. Die vanne wat aangemaak word met tussenvoegsels in hoofletters (dit gebeur automaties in WikiTree) , kan jy regmaak deur dit in “edit” mode te verander in 'n van met klein tussenvoegsels (met as rede aangee dat dit die konvensie is vir Afrikaanse vanne), en dan weer te “save”.

If you have any questions about how WikiTree works, let me know. I am happy to help!

Happy tree climbing

Pam ~ WikiTree Volunteer

This week's featured connections are American Founders: Simone is 19 degrees from John Hancock, 22 degrees from Francis Dana, 27 degrees from Bernardo de Gálvez, 22 degrees from William Foushee, 18 degrees from Alexander Hamilton, 25 degrees from John Francis Hamtramck, 23 degrees from John Marshall, 22 degrees from George Mason, 22 degrees from Gershom Mendes Seixas, 22 degrees from Robert Morris, 22 degrees from Sybil Ogden and 22 degrees from George Washington on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.